Here is a map to Camp Tanner. We are located at the Kinsmen Kin Kamp Tanner at 316667 31st Line Embro, ON
Year- Round Contact InformationE-mail Address
c[email protected] Chair of Camp Tanner Camping Committee Justin Murray 226-228-0778 Registrar Gail Kavelman 519 709 0282 Year Round Mailing Address: 842942 RD 84 Kintore, Ontario, N0M 2C0 Note: This is the address to send your camp forms to, NOT to send mail for your camper Please use this year round contact information to contact us between the end of camps (Mid August) until the start of the next season (usually about July 4). There is no one at the camp the rest of the time, so please do not use the below information outside of camping season. Contact During Camp
Camp Tanner
316667 31st Line, RR#3 Embro, On N0J 1J0 226-575-4688 This contact should be used only while your child is at camp. This is where you can send mail to your camper. For registration questions, please contact our registrar Kate Wintermute. NOT SURE WHO TO
Have questions you need answered? Wondering about how our camps work, how to register, questions about subsidy, concerns about medical conditions and accommodations, or questions about special dietary plans.
Send us an email |
You can also contact our coordinator team with questions during the spring and summer.
They can answer questions about:
They can answer questions about:
- what to expect and what to pack
- when tours of camp are happening
- what our schedule looks like
- last minute cabin mate requests and changes
- other questions related to summer programming